When you use a view control there is a simple action for working with selected documents. In SSJS there is a method, getSelectedIDs (or something like that), that let’s you get a handle on any selected documents. However neither of these solutions exist for documents inside a Repeat Control.
In this show l will demonstrate how have a repeat control and get a handle on any documents that the user selects.
I’m making ANOTHER attempt at getting embedded video working. It might not last it it messes up iTunes…
I’m TRYING to improve the site… It’s slow going.
P.S. This is the 25th episode of my normal NotesIn9 show. All the XPages shows, the XPages Jumpstart and the Extended Editions can be found easily at xpages.tv
P.S. Ok. I’ll admit it. I did have a thought on doing some April Fools Joke here. Maybe a Rick Roll – but then I thought that the “Rick Roll” has run it’s course. Maybe that “Friday” song should be the new Rick Roll? But don’t worry. This video is safe!
P.P.S If you have a Mac… and Kids… a great April Fools prank is to ssh into the mac from an iPad or other device and use the “Say” command. Great fun. I had my kids thinking their Mac was Watson’s cousin.